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          1. 香蕉久久AV一区二区三区,一本伊大人香蕉久久网,一伊香蕉久在播放线,伊大人香蕉久久网

            Sophisticated Manufacturing


            The Group began to build “Light Tower” Plants in 2014, and since then has made continuous efforts to explore the approaches and methods of “sophisticated manufacturing”. Based on the best practices of core subsidiaries of the Group and the characteristics of Industry 4.0, the Group has defined?five cornerstones of the Sophisticated Manufacturing System for semi-trailers, namely Upgrade of Product Module, Improvement of “Light Tower” Plants, Kick-off of Sales and Marketing Transformation and Promotion of the Organizational Development,,Establishment Global?Digital Supply chain?.

            At present, CIMC Vehicles has established globally23“Light Tower” Plants, 13 “Light Tower” Plants for the production of semi-trailers, 7“Light Tower” Plants for the production of truck bodies of specialty vehicles, and 3 “Light Tower” Plants for the production of truck bodies for refrigerated trucks. It has also built “Product Modules” for a number of semi-trailer series and conducted digital transformation and upgrade.

            Over the years, the Company has primarily engaged in the manufacturing of semi-trailers, truck bodies for specialty vehicles and refrigerated trucks, with an emphasis on product technology, R&D and upgrade of manufacturing process. By the first half of 2023, the Company’s R&D team had over 600 employees worldwide, obtained more than 1,400 registered patents, and participated in the formulation and amendments of 30 national and industry standards for truck bodies for semi-trailers and specialty vehicles in China.? As the leader in the industry, the Company enjoys technological advantages over its competitors.

            Looking ahead, the Group will continue to increase investment in technology and R&D to make technological innovation the driving force of technological upgrading. By leading the industry towards automated and intelligent manufacturing, the Group will provide new momentum for the manufacturing industry in China.
